Always Choose Love

Okay, this article might be a little different but there are two things I want to deal with: first, realizing that our battle is not against humans, but it’s against the enemy Satan, who was trying to destroy you anyway he can. Secondly, realize today that our big picture focus must be on God, not on politics, not on family troubles, not on work or any of the other issues that may cause tension in a family or a friendship.
First we're reminded in Ephesians 6:12 “For we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” To often we take our frustration out on other individuals, and the scripture clearly indicates that the battle is driven by a supernatural force, not by fellow human beings.
Galatians chapter 5:16-26 encourages us to live by the spirit and not by the flesh. I’m always amazed at how mean people can become when things don’t go their way and all too often it’s because of issues they have no control over. The Christian message says that if we focus on Jesus and allow his spirit to direct us then our faith is genuine, and we look at others with an entirely different perspective. If you study God’s Word and pray to him, he can calm you down and give you a new vision on how to better live your life.

Blessings my friends and remember, always choose love
Pastor Steve
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