Forever Family

Forever Family
As we approach the fall and winter seasons, Thanksgiving and Christmas, it reminds me of the blessing of family. Like me and many of you our family dynamics have changed. While we miss what we no longer have we still cherish what we do have. The Bible tells us of a time when we will all be together again. This is the truth that allows us to move forward even in difficult days. Can you imagine being the parents of some of the people in the Bible? Suppose you were the parents of people like Moses, or Noah, Abraham, Issac, David, Peter, Paul, or even Mary and Josephs parents. Life was full of twists and turns good and bad circumstances, yet in every one of these relationships the one truth that is a constant is how God works all things for the good to those who truly love and serve him. Wow, I guess some things never change.
Be blessed and faithful. Hope to see you Sunday.
Pastor Steve

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