The Cycle of Seasons

The seasons reflect God’s design. Spring ushers in new life as stated in Isaiah 43:19. Summer demonstrates the warmth and growing season. Autumn is typically known as the harvest season. However, this year we find ourselves in a drought with the United States Department of Agriculture designating 22 Ohio counties as disaster counties as of mid September. Not only will this reflect in consumerism but my heart breaks for the hardworking farmers. Let’s join together to pray for the farmers and the families affected by the drought.
In some parts of the nation, we’ve been praying for the safety of all those affected by tropical storms and hurricanes. From storms in the south, wildfires in the west, and drought in most of the mid-west we need God’s help.
Many times, in the Bible we read how God’s people cried out for help, and he heard their prayers. First, we must commit or re-commit to God before we cry out for his help. God blesses those who put their faith in him, not those who try to manipulate him for selfish gain.
The final season is winter, and it will be here before you know it. Winter is often a harsh, cold, and barren season. You can’t plant, harvest, or do much of anything in winter. Many people actually go south for the winter and others tough it out and count down the weeks until spring. Yet, now and then I meet someone who actually likes the winter.
My hope is this article helps call your attention to the changes in life and our need for God. Please pray and ask for his forgiveness and to develop a personal relationship with him. There is an old hymn in the church that says, “Trust and obey for there’s no other way…” May the God of all grace and mercy bless your life whatever season you are in.
Pastor Steve
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