
The word Shema is an Old Testament word meaning “hear.” The scripture is very clear that we are not only to listen to the Word of God but to live it and teach it. The central passage for this is found in Deuteronomy 6:4-9. “The Lord our God is one” meaning nothing else comes before him. God makes it very clear in this passage stating our required level of commitment. There are times in life where other things seem to take priority and this passage reminds us to eliminate them by any means possible. We must repent of our sins and always put God first. It all seems so simple, but the scripture says we are also to teach these things to the younger generation.  Many young people are growing up today without the respect for God being taught and this is our fault. In the early days this was repeated in the morning and again in the evening. Verses 8-9 tell of the seriousness of the task. Remember, until Jesus comes back it’s not too late to change or find hope. My prayer is that we allow it to start with us and draw close to God and then teach it to others.
May God bless your efforts.
Pastor Steve

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