Living in the Moment

Living in the Moment
We tend to spend time thinking about the past and what we’ve lost or what we wish we could change. Some people say they wish they could just go back to the “good old days”. When people talk about the future there’s often apprehension and fear. It seems that we’re missing the things that are right in front of us. My wife has a saying that we should always “live in the moment”. When we have children we say things like I can’t wait until they can walk or talk. We unintentionally overlook the blessings of the moment. I think Faith is that way sometimes. It seems as if we’re always asking God for something else and we overlook the blessings that we currently have. Let’s take time to reflect and enjoy the here and now. I’ve often said the only difference between the good old days and today is that we haven’t looked back on today yet. May God‘s love embrace you and may your faith in him sustain you.

Pastor Steve
Scripture reference: Psalm 118:24

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