Why Faith Works

Why Faith Works
Hebrews 11 is often referred to as the faith chapter but is it just about stories about past faith? In fact, verse 6 says it is impossible to please God without faith. Let me tell you why faith works. Our commitment must be centered on Jesus and not on current circumstances. In other words, our relationship is built around our relationship with Jesus. I have realized firsthand that life will deal you more than you can ever imagine. It is only through Jesus we can handle such overwhelming circumstances. Fortunately for us he loves us so much that he is always willing to be there if we are faithful to him. Friends are a tremendous blessing, but Christ Jesus is the strength faith stories are built on. Faith is as real today as it ever has been when Jesus is the center of our lives. So, worship him always then when life hands you a heavy blow you don’t have to go searching for him. Love you all. Blessings my friends.


Pastor Steve

Pastor Steve

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