July 27th, 2023
by Pastor Steve
by Pastor Steve
The date was October 16, 1987. The world sat glued to their televisions as millions watched the rescue of 18-month-old baby Jessica from a water well shaft in Midland Texas. After falling 22 feet through an 8-inch water well opening it took 58 hours before baby Jessica was rescued. The preferred plan was to drill another mineshaft and then come horizontally across to reach her. Once out of the hospital, she went on to live somewhat of a normal life. She graduated high school in 2004 and was married two years later and became a mommy. At age 25 she became the owner of a trust fund that was set up for her valued at over $800,000. Everyone likes to hear success stories. When I read this story, I begin to think about our lives, and how we are lost without Jesus. He too came down to rescue the lost as we were stuck in our sinful lives. I’m not sure that once we become a Christian we ever live a normal life although I do believe our life now has a greater purpose. And as corny as it may sound the trust fund that Christ makes available to us is far greater than any dollar amount that we could imagine. I pray that Jesus Christ is your rescuer and that your hope, faith, and trust are all Safely resting in him.
Blessings my friends,
Pastor Steve
Blessings my friends,
Pastor Steve
1 Chronicles 10-11
1 John 4:16
2 Corinthians 5:12-17
2 Corinthians 5:17-18
2 Samuel 7:12-13
Be Extraordinary
Be a Part of a Dynasty
Be a Peacemaker
Burn the Ships
Can You Relate?
Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Ephesians 5:12-18
Forever Family
Hebrews 11
How do I look?
Independence Day
Isaiah 7:14
Living In A Changing World
Living in the Moment
Luke 12:16-21
Luke 19:11-27
Luke 3:23-31
Malachi 3:1
Matter 5:14-16
Matthew 1:22-23
Matthew 2:1-10
Matthew 2:1-6
Matthew 3:1-3
Micah 5:2
New Year
New You
Numbers 24:17
Proverbs 19:24
Psalm 118:24
Psalm 56:3
Reaching New Heights
Romans 12:1
Sooner or Later
What is Prophecy and What Does it Mean to Us?
Why Faith Works
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