Stress And Anger

“Stress and Anger”

Recently I read an article on how stress and anger are related.  The article stated that stress is the body’s  response to demanding circumstances, triggering a  cascade of physiological and psychological reactions.  Stress can become overwhelming, and it often brings on a fight or flight response.  Long-term stress brings harm to our bodies and is referred to as chronic Stress.  Here’s what I want you to understand. Stress, whether situational short-term or chronic long-term brings us to a boiling point in which we often respond by lashing out in fits of anger or outrage.  It can cause us to see perceived threats or situations.  One of my friends said a doctor told her that “90% of the things we worry about never happen and for the other 10% we have a God who can handle them.”  There is something calming in learning to relax in God.  We find good advice in Psalm 37:7-11.  Read it and then live it.  

Blessings my friends.
Pastor Steve

Pastor Steve

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