Burn the Ships

Burn the Ships
In the year 1519, an explorer named Hernan Cortes landed in the New World and made history by ordering his men to Burn the Ships. 600 explorers learned a lesson that day that is still relevant today. Even if things get tough remain committed and determined that there’s no turning back. There is a song by “For King and Country” called “Burn The Ships”.  The song is based on the message conveyed by Cortes.  It’s a powerful song that you should listen to.  As we face challenges, our faith must remain solid in Jesus Christ. There’s no turning back for those who truly love him, although the Bible does warn of a time when men will abandon the faith. I encourage you to burn the ships of idleness or those displaying a lack of commitment in your life and fully trust in Jesus. Yesterday today and forever. Stay faithful my friend. Blessings.

Pastor Steve
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