New Year and New You

New Year and New You
Does the word new indicate that something old used to exist? For example, New York does that mean there used to be an old York? What about New Jersey or New Hampshire? According to 2 Corinthians 5:17-18 there is an old you that needs to be replaced by the new. In other words, the scripture says “this means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person the old life is gone a new life has begun! Verse 18 says, and all of this is a gift from God who brought us back to himself through Christ and God has given us this task of reconciling people to him.” The old you defined your life prior to a relationship with Jesus. The challenge this coming year is to stay faithful to God and accomplish his work while realizing that Satan is trying very hard to get you back to your old sinful life. Take a stand, find strength in Jesus, and be confident that through him you can live a new and encouraging life. Blessings my friends. Hope to see you Sunday.
Pastor Steve.

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