Steve's Corner
God’s Amazing Creation
Not wanting to make anyone jealous, but I am sitting on the deck of a third story condo, looking out into the Atlantic Ocean and watching the waves crash in, the beautiful sunrise and I’m just reminded of God’s creation. I see birds flying in the ocean searching for breakfast. I see people taking in the sunrise and beautiful weather. And I see a clear blue sky all part of God’s wonderful creation. But even with all of this beauty, it doesn’t reflect his greatest creation. To think that God could take dirt from the ground and create a human being is an amazing realization. But what even Speaks more is how that human creation can have such a desire to want to love and be a blessing to others. I truly think that it comes from a desire to be close to God the one who created us. This week as you go through your daily routines, remember that you’re not just a happenstance, but you were created by an amazing God for a great purpose. Love you all and hope to see you soon.

Blessings my friends.

Pastor Steve.
New Online Giving Platform

We have transferred to a new, easier to use giving platform. Watch the video above for instructions.

Old Tablets and Phones

If you have any old tablets, iPads or smartphones that you don't want any more, we would love to take them off of your hands! Please bring any devices in to Madi or RaShaun. If you have any questions email the church or reach out to Madi or RaShaun.

Kid's Movie Night

This Saturday the Children's Department will be having a movie night for the kids from 5-8. Come on out for a fun night!

Easter Choir Practice

Join us for our first practice! If you are interested in potentially sing in the choir this year please come out. We will be going over what the plan will be and even begin practicing music! Practice will be at 6:30pm on Tuesday.
Prayer List
Our Country

Service men and women who are protecting our country

Akhikhaya & Josue: NMI/NCM sponsored children

LINKS missionaries: Linda Russell (retired) & Brenda Gould (retired)

Caleb Dupler

Coleson: 6 yr. old with stage 4 kidney cancer

Fin Revenaugh: liver transplant

Sonny Bryant

Cindy Baughman: lung cancer

Sharon Zink: surgery recovery

Carol Horton: Ann Ferguson's cousin having health issues with Covid and Pneumonia

Steve Barr: friend of Dorfe Family who has colon cancer

If you have a prayer request that you would like us to add fill out the form below and we will add it to next week's email.

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